• Water and Sewer Services
  • Porta Rental Services
  • Wood Services
  • Building Rental
  • Equipment Services
  • Community Services

Kykotsmovi Water and Wastewater

Since the early 60’s Kyktosmovi Village has operated and maintained its own Water and Sewer Systems. Currently the Systems serve over 200 customers, consisting of both Residential and Non-residential users. Systems operations are in accordance to the Kyktosmovi Water and Wastewater Policy. Water systems undergo monthly Bac-T testing and annual EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) testing to ensure clean drinking water is provided. All testing results are made available to the public through the annual CCR (Consumer Confidence Report).

Water and Wastewater Services

Kyktosmovi Village Water Department consists of the Dean Gashwazra, Water Commissioner, Andrew Honanie, Water Operator, and Troy Honanie, Maintenance, who assist with the operations and maintenance of the systems. Kykotsmovi Village has implemented new Water and Wastewater Policy and Customer Agreement to ensure quality services to all customers. New Water Rate’s have been implemented to all customer’s residential and non-residential, for more information contact the Kykotsmovi Administration.

Wastewater System and Services are also managed by the Kykotsmovi Water Department.